Katrina King

Katrina King


Subscriber Exclusive

A Tatted Holiday Wreath

Ring in the new year with a vintage craft! Give tatting a try with this sweet little design.

All Access Exclusive

What is Needle Lace?

Take a peek at this intriguing technique that has varying traditions all over the world. Plus, All Access subscribers can download the Yap Lace Edging pattern to try needle lace for yourself!

Celebrate World Embroidery Day!

Another day to come together and spread the joy of handcraft!

The Dog Days of Summer

Need ideas to get the kids through the last few weeks of summer vacation? Why not learn a craft?

The Modern Language of Tatting

While the core of the craft has remained the same, the language of patterns has evolved over time.

Celebrate International Lace Day!

Whether you recognize the day in February, June, or September there is always time for lace!

Giving Rickrack a Second Chance

Discover the original use for this misunderstood trim.

What is Romanian Cord?

Also known as Romanian braid, this sturdy crochet technique has many uses!

The Hand That Holds the Hook: Crochet from the Other Side

Working left-handed is much the same as right-handed, with just a little bit of difference.

What is Buttonhole Bar Stitch?

A useful variation on a classic embroidery stitch.

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