
Intricately Stitched Tablecloth from Afghanistan

Done in khamak, an intricate form of embroidery, this dastarkhan consists of delicate silk satin stitches on finely woven fabric.

The Glamour of It All: Collecting Vintage Handbags

Before you begin a collection of your own, whether it be of handbags, lace, linens, quilts, or garments, Christen Brown suggest that you first research the periods and styles that interest you the most.

A Most Valuable Fabric: Crepe Paper in the Early Twentieth Century

Crepe paper struck an immediate chord with the buying public. The novelty effects and brilliant hues were tantalizing.

Love and Loss: A Ball of Wool

It is a precious ball of handspun wool that has formed an unbreakable bond between two souls who will never meet.

The Long Thread: Nilda Callañaupa Alvarez

Voices from Our Community: Hear from Nilda Callañaupa Alvarez, director of the Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco

The Hand That Holds the Hook: Crochet from the Other Side

Working left-handed is much the same as right-handed, with just a little bit of difference.

Sewing Memories: My Teenage Patchwork Quilt

Read how one author pieced together memories from fabric to create a treasured keepsake.

How Did They Do That? Lucet Braid

Looking for a strong and different type of cording technique? Try lucet braiding!

Poppies of Remembrance

A beautiful spring flower inspires a loving tribute to those who have served.

Why Don’t Porcupines Live on Cape Breton Island?

Quillwork is an important cultural tradition among the Mi’kmaq on Cape Breton Island, but mysteriously, porcupines don’t live on Cape Breton.