The French named this soft and fluffy yarn and fabric and are believed to have invented it, as well, sometime during the eighteenth century.
What did it mean to be a member of a knitting guild during the 1500s? Who was responsible for crafting Eleonora di Toledo’s burial stockings?
Learn about the history and tradition of this Spanish Colonial style needlework and see how contemporary embroiderers keep the traditions and stories alive.
Turns out there's a whole lot of starch involved in the art of being fashionable.
From the midst of the madness that became World War II (1939–1945), one small knitted green sweater—made for a beloved granddaughter—survives.
Season 4, Episode 9: What do you do when it's time to step back from your industry-leading yarn store and make some space for yourself? If you're Sheri Berger, you might find yourself accidentally beginning a brand-new needlework business.
A small piece of cloth connects Helen to her ancestral needlework roots.