Subscriber Exclusives

Articles for subscribers of PieceWork. Subscribe today to access every article.

All Access Exclusive

Fingerless Mitts for All Seasons

This exclusive collection of five of our favorite patterns—one for each season, plus an end-of-year bonus pattern—will make your fingers itch to knit!

Subscriber Exclusive

A Vintage Picot Snowflake Pattern

If you have a few hours, you have enough time to crochet a darling little snowflake ornament.

Subscriber Exclusive

Warm or Cool Weather—We’ve Got You Covered

It’s shawl and scarf season, and these two knitting patterns may prove as equally tempting for you as they are for me.

All Access Exclusive

Bewitching Bargello—Two Head-Turning Totes

We adore the richness of needlepoint and are very excited to introduce you to two free All Access patterns originally from Spin Off magazine: the Bargello Spindle Bag and Rounded Arches Spindle Bag.

All Access Exclusive

Timeless Tips and Techniques for Mending

Patching, darning, and mending are enduring ways to cover a weak or broken spot in your fabrics, prolong the life of a cherished garment, and to enjoy embellishing it at the same time. Explore each of them with this All Access exclusive guide.

All Access Exclusive

What is Needle Lace?

Take a peek at this intriguing technique that has varying traditions all over the world. Plus, All Access subscribers can download the Yap Lace Edging pattern to try needle lace for yourself!

Subscriber Exclusive

Glorious Gloves to Knit

Knitted Liturgical Gloves for Elite Churchmen in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

All Access Exclusive

Back-to-School Stories and Projects from PieceWork

No matter how many years it’s been since you last heard the peal of a schoolhouse bell, August means there will soon be new books to pore over, new skills to tackle, and new people to meet.

All Access Exclusive

Needlecraft’s 1918 Tatted Medallion Made Modern

New instructions for a hundred-year-old tatting project, re-created for modern lacemakers.

All Access Exclusive

Embroider Back-to-School Shoes

Embellish some sweet Mary Janes to start the school year on the right foot.