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Notre-Dame shines as an example of early Gothic structure with its massive flying buttresses that offset the weight of the tall walls.
The Scottish samplers in an exhibition at the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh are part of the Lesley B. Durst collection.
We included the story of Mary Elizabeth Greenwall Edie’s handmade knitted-lace sampler book in the May/June 2016 issue of PieceWork. We asked Frances H. Rautenbach to re-create some of Mary Elizabeth’s samples.
Because fabric deteriorates so easily, it doesn’t stand the test of time the way metal or stone artifacts might, so when archaeologists find even small bits of ancient fabric, it’s a big deal.
Beth Brown-Reinsel’s twined-knitted gloves, featured in the March/April 2018 issue of PieceWork, make a great first project. Below, Beth explains how the yarn used in twined knitting is different from most commercial yarns.
Enjoy a free purse in tatting and beads pattern from PieceWork’s Trimmings. This column offers a collection of patterns, charts, and instructions that have been gleaned from old magazines and books that are no longer generally available.
Why not add a dash of vintage flair to your holiday wrapping? Mary Polityka Bush shared festive ways to wrap gifts in the Nov/Dec 2007 issue of Piecework.
For centuries the Iban people of Malaysia have literally woven their dreams into beautiful cloth.