
This Week in History: Jane Austen and Her Needlework

December 16, 1775: Beloved author Jane Austen is born. Jane Austen and her work, both literary and needle, continue to fascinate.

What is Netting?

We love questions from our readers!

The Many Lives of Old Lace

Read about the enduring quality of this delicate art form.

Zagreb Yarn Craft Fest: A Celebration of Textile Handicrafts in Croatia

An insider’s guide to the festival honoring the textile techniques in this flourishing European country.

The Wool Issue—Call for Submissions PieceWork Winter 2022

Pull on your winter woolies and join us as we follow in the steps of sheep, tracing wool in global textiles. It’s time to send your article and project proposals for the Winter 2022 issue!

Make This Sweet Token of Affection Sampler

These instructions allow you to personalize this charming sampler using your own initials and dates.

A Year of Stitches

Journaling the year using embroidery.

Shakil’s Batik: Bringing Back Tradition

Revitalizing craft techniques through the use of natural dyes.

Mittens, Undervests, and D'Oyleys, Oh My!

From the practical and elegant to the truly bizarre, you never know what you'll find in the pages of Weldon's!

Trimmings: “A Dainty Empire Gown with Cap to Match” by Addie May Bodwell

The author re-creates a 1918 pattern for tatted medallions to make a delicate lace trim.