
Is it Antique or Vintage?

Whether an object is “vintage” or “antique” might depend on whom you ask.

American singer Marian Anderson (and her bobbin-lace coverlet)

Bobbin lace can be used on a small scale—think a lacy edging for a collar—or articles of a much larger scale, or anything in between. Read about the magnificent bobbin-lace coverlet that once belonged to world-famous contralto Marian Anderson.

What is Icelandic Bind-Off?

Learn about this stretchy edge that plays well with garter stitch!

7 FREE Knitted Lace Projects from PieceWork Magazine

Are you captivated by vintage knitted lace? PieceWork magazine has curated a collection of 7 FREE, historical knitting patterns that will delight you.

Crocheted Closure Craze of the Early Twentieth Century

Revel in the function and style of crocheted closures, which were used to elevate items of clothing in the early twentieth century.

Long Thread Podcast: Natalie Dupuis

Season 4, Episode 3: Once reserved for royalty and liturgy, gold embroidery is an art form that contemporary stitchers can explore and enjoy. Artist and instructor Natalie Dupuis shares her love of this colorful, shimmering fiber art.

My Grandmother’s Doilies

Get a glimpse inside one author’s collection of treasured heirlooms—intricate doilies crocheted by her grandmother and tucked away in a hope chest for safekeeping.

Vintage Fashion Meets Contemporary Style: Leg Warmers

If you’re of a certain age, leg warmers bring to mind brightly colored workout wear from the early 1980s.

Mark Twain and the Bra Strap

Celebrate National Inventors' Day with the story of how Samuel Clemens' contributed to the undergarments of today.

The Art of Handworked Hungarian Richelieu Lace Embroidery

When Katalin Bognar came across an unfinished piece of Hungarian Richelieu lace embroidery, she began an armchair journey to learn how to do the lacework by hand. Here, she shares her journey.