
A Stitch in Time: Pekinese and Chinese Knot Stitches

There is confusion in the embroidery literature between these two similarly named stitches. Deanna helps explain the differences.

Dressed in 30 Meters of Greek Pride: The Evzones’ Traditional Uniform

The traditional uniform of the Evzone Guards of Greece is as unique as the guards themselves.

Winter Wishes and Mitten Dreams

We invite you to a winter wonderland where you can take a trip to Antarctica, join a winter festival in the arctic circle, and knit a pair of mittens for your next carriage ride.

Embroidered Dolls and The Dolls of Peru

Learn about these colorful and elaborate one-of-a-kind dolls and the women who create them.

Threads of Power: 500 Years of Lace from the renowned collection of Switzerland’s Textilmuseum St. Gallen

Be dazzled by this special exhibit that provides an in-depth look at one of the world’s most exceptional collections of historical lace, from its sixteenth-century origins to the present day.

Home Arts—Needlecraft Magazine’s Monograms to Crochet

Stitching monograms onto household linens and clothing is a timeless way to personalize your life. It is no surprise: monograms are seeing a resurgence.

A Victorian Lace Square to Appliqué and Embroider

Throughout time, needleworkers have become smitten with lace, and Kathi Rotella’s Victorian lace square is a good example. She was so taken by a sample that she re-created it for PieceWork.

The Patchwork Initiative at Colorado State University

Meet a group of college students who are making a difference by striving to mend the gaps in clothing sustainability—both literally and figuratively.

Mid-Nineteenth-Century British Crochet Hooks

Early British steel crochet hooks were manufactured from steel wire using the same methods and in the same workshops as sewing needles.

Embroidery and the Masonic Apron

Although the Masonic brotherhood developed its own rituals and rules, it retained in its symbolism the trappings of the stonemason’s craft, including the apron.