
Cross-Stitch Heart with Quaker Motifs

Janice Wood created a sweet cross-stitch heart, which incorporates traditional Quaker sampler motifs with an alphabet on one side of the heart and the date and recipient’s initials on the reverse.

7 FREE Knitted Lace Projects from PieceWork Magazine

Are you captivated by vintage knitted lace? PieceWork magazine has curated a collection of 7 FREE, historical knitting patterns that will delight you.

Buttons to Embroider and Needle Tat

Christen combined two great needlework techniques into one stunning button.

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An Indigo Stitch-Resist Scarf to Make

Give dyeing with indigo a try! This striking scarf features resist patterns made by folding, stitching, and pleating.

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Reins for Children

Delight in the vintage charm of Weldon's Practical Needlework and this re-creation from Franklin Habit.

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Grace Coolidge’s Great-Grandmother’s Counterpane

Knit a counterpane from the January/February 2011 issue based on the one made by First Lady Grace Coolidge.

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The Crown Prince’s Sweater

Knit a sweater from the January/February 2015 issue that was inspired by one worn by Crown Prince Harald of Norway when his family fled the Nazis in 1940.

Maltese Edging: A Crocheted-Lace Edging

Bart Elwell translated instructions for an elegant 1865 English crochet pattern.

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Amana Star-Pattern Baby Bonnet to Knit

Knit a baby bonnet from the November/December 2000 issue of PieceWork based on ones in the collection of the Amana Heritage Society in Amana, Iowa.

A Forget-Me-Not Edging to Knit

Knit a sweet lace edging adapted from a vintage pattern.