Katrina King

Katrina King


What is Latvian braid?

Who would have thought that twisting your yarns as you knit could create such a wonderful result!

Golden Flower Shawl to Knit: A Knitted Shawl Fit for an Empress

Discover the inspiration behind this silky tribute to one of the author's favorite films.

What is Icelandic Bind-Off?

Learn about this stretchy edge that plays well with garter stitch!

What is Crab Stitch?

Grab a crochet hook and try this tidy edging!

What is Netting?

We love questions from our readers!

A Year of Stitches

Journaling the year using embroidery.

Dissection of a Lace Pattern

How to separate out a motif to inspire your own designs

The Process of Being Creative

Exploring the hands-to-brain connections

Lost in Translation

Vintage vs. Modern and Left vs. Right

The Art of Crocheting

What?! There are vintage patterns other than Weldon's?

From the Library

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