
A Washcloth in a Suitcase

Sara Lamb doesn't know when great-aunt Gladys knitted this cloth, but she's used it for more than twenty years, ever since she found it in the case.

Mauchline Ware: A Needleworker’s Collection

Almost 200 different products were manufactured by the woodworkers in Mauchline, Scotland, including collectible sewing accessories.

Fuchsia-Design in Points or Edging

Enjoy this delightful tatting project from the November 1925 issue of Needlecraft Magazine.

Subscriber Exclusive

Leicester Hat and Mitts

Knit this charming set from the Spring 2020 issue of PieceWork. The yarn features fiber from a historic sheep breed.

Artisans of Guatemala: In the Aftermath of the 2020 Hurricanes

Deborah has lived in Guatemala for more than 20 years, working with local makers. But in November 2020, Guatemala was hit by two powerful hurricanes, and now she finds herself in the role of relief worker.

Embroider a Rose-Petal Heart

Stitch a special gift for your Valentine.

The Long Thread: Laurann Gilbertson

Laurann Gilbertson, Chief Curator, Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum

Long-and-Short Silk Shading

Silk embroidery is an art practiced by many cultures. Follow this step-by-step tutorial and learn the basics of silk shading.

Exploring Needlework's Hidden Histories: PieceWork Spring 2021

The Spring 2021 issue of PieceWork sets out across the globe, illuminating the stores of needleworkers from the past.

Basic Embroidery Stitches

A visual primer of common embroidery stitches.