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Donna's idea to design the pair of Spanish lace socks for the January/February 2015 issue came as a result of reading the Folk Costume & Embroidery blog, where she first saw photographs of Charra dancers from Salamanca wearing lacy white socks.
During the nineteenth century, illustrated floral dictionaries, descriptive lithographs, and entire books devoted to flowers appeared across Europe and in the United States.
Season 2, Episode 4: Franklin shares how his loves of textiles, books, and miniatures come together.
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This circular shawl with a chrysanthemum as the main motif, from the September/October 2017 issue, is Katrina's tribute to this brilliant film.
Knitting a baby’s first sock is a special occasion, and the pattern must be equal to the event.
In online communities, crafters vent their frustration with friends, family, and even strangers who devalue the time invested in making something by hand.
All Access Exclusive
Two counterpane squares from Weldon's Practical Needlework were the beginning of a year-long knitting journey.