
Mad for Macramé Lace

A look into the popularity of macramé during Victorian times.

Crochet from India

Contributor Chitra Balasubramaniam shares a beautiful piece that ties into history.

Safe Storage: Protecting Historic Needlework at Home

Keeping your textile collection safe starts with storing items away from light, potential water damage, and pests. However, this isn’t enough when it comes to delicate, antique, or heirloom cloth. Here are two of the most important things to know.

Creating an Embroidered Nature Journal

Erika Zambello shares her embroidery journaling process.

A Family Tree of Tatting

Master tatter Georgia Seitz shares the beginning of her tatting journey.

Mrs. Ryan’s Knitted Toys

The author searches for the story behind a beloved knitted kitten found in an antiques shop.

Hawaiian Quilts

PieceWork’s July/August 1994 issue featured an article and project by Debra L. Ballard on the history of Hawaiian quilts.

Crewel Embroidery and The American Revolution

Thomas Abbe's (1731–1811) long drum roll interrupted the mid-week church meeting to announce the fight at Lexington, Massachusetts, the day before, the first battle of the American Revolution.

Influences in Craft

PieceWork contributor Katrina King shares where her love of craft all began.

3 Keys to Weldon's Needlework Collection

PieceWork contributor Katrina King shares helpful hints for working with this classic resource.