Your treasured textiles may be susceptible to deterioration. But how do you determine what should be sent to a professional for preservation?
Explore the tatting treasures made by an avid craftswoman that have been preserved for teaching future generations.
The repairs turned out to be far more daunting than I had anticipated. Nearly every motif needed at least one repair; some of them were quite complex.
Bargello? Some of us of a certain age may faintly remember it from the sixties and seventies—on Auntie’s mod pillow covers or a funky needlepoint belt. In this new millennium, we look back at the history and evolution of this needlework technique.
The huipil has varied slightly over time, being wider and looser during certain periods and shorter and tighter in others, but always made from a rectangle folded in half with the neck cut out and the sides stitched together to the armholes.
Peek inside the contents of hundreds of suitcases found in the Willard Asylum, revealing remnants of the lives left behind.
Tying traditional Orthodox prayer knots is a complex procedure and involves multiple movements for each completed knot.
Learn about the tradition of Siddi quilts and how well-worn and discarded clothing becomes the visual history of a family and helps provide a source of income for women of the Siddi communities in India.
The buttonhole stitch was historically used to strengthen the cut edges of buttonholes but developed into a decorative surface-embroidery stitch with numerous variations.