Angharad Thomas

Subscriber Exclusive

Glorious Gloves to Knit

Knitted Liturgical Gloves for Elite Churchmen in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

Subscriber Exclusive

Cold Lands, Warm Hands

The history of knitting has been shrouded in mystery, half-truths, and outright lies! Is this because there is so little material, either textiles or documentation, to enable that history to be fully written?

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Knitwear and Gloves for Polar Explorers

To undertake polar expeditions, then as now, appropriate protection was needed against the elements, some of the most severe on earth.

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By the Dexterous Use of Two Threads: Gloves and the Handknitting Industry of Sanquhar, Scotland

Author James Brown in History of Sanquhar (1891) describes Sanquhar gloves and stockings in the early nineteenth century as “being woven on wires in a peculiar manner,” which presumably means knitted on fine needles.

A Modern Take on Vintage Knitted Gloves: The Magpie Gloves

The gloves’ use of color reflects those found in old gloves, mittens, and socks all over Europe that have been knitted through the years—a strong dark-and-light contrast and a touch of red for luck.

Knitwear for Polar Explorers

The Polar explorers wore sweaters or jerseys that can be seen in the photographs that were taken on board ship or in the huts.

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