
Welcome Pat Olski, PieceWork Magazine’s New Editor

With a publication as well loved as PieceWork, we think a lot about the importance of making new friends but keeping the old, and never as much as when we welcome a new editor.

A Stitch in Time: Running Stitch

Learn how versatile the running stitch can be, a stitch that dates back to the beginning of sewing itself.

What in the World is an Antimacassar?

A staple of a Victorian home included decorative antimacassars, like the Cosy Antimacassar featured in Weldon’s Practical Knitter Eleventh Series eBook.

The Legend of Tea Cozies

Victorians transformed tea cozies from a necessity into fashion. Read about the unique forms they've taken over the years!

Subscriber Exclusive

Glorious Gloves to Knit

Knitted Liturgical Gloves for Elite Churchmen in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

The Portuguese Style of Knitting

Although tensioning the yarn through a pin or around the neck has been practiced since ancient times, many knitters are not familiar with the technique, which also entails holding and throwing the yarn in a different way.

All Access Exclusive

Back-to-School Stories and Projects from PieceWork

No matter how many years it’s been since you last heard the peal of a schoolhouse bell, August means there will soon be new books to pore over, new skills to tackle, and new people to meet.

Exploring Ukrainian Culture

As a follow-up to her article in PieceWork Fall 2022, Amber Rose Ostaszewski provides additional resources for learning more about Ukrainian culture.

A Stitch in Time: Two-Sided Italian Cross-Stitch

The two-sided Italian cross-stitch is a square, densely textured stitch and is another member of the large cross-stitch family.

Embroidered Huck Towels

A look at the history and patterns of a simple yet effective technique