
The Carpet Slippers of Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa

On average, it takes two weeks to needlepoint the fabric for a pair of carpet slippers.

All Access Exclusive

A Summer Wreath in Silk-Ribbon Embroidery

Bring the beauty of summer indoors with this Victorian-style pink daisy wreath

A Crochet Sample Book

Before published patterns, sample books provided a way for stitch patterns to be collected and shared.

Clothiers and Cottage Industries

Plain sewers and fancy needleworkers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Patriotic Knitting Bags of World War I

One of the most patriotic symbols of World War I were the knitting bags carried by women everywhere.

The Sampler Issue—Call for Submissions PieceWork Summer 2025

From practical to fanciful, samplers are a great way to study crafts of the past.

Long Thread Podcast: Masey Kaplan and Jen Simonic, Loose Ends

Season 9, Episode 7: If you couldn’t finish your needlework or craft project, what would become of it? A volunteer organization founded by two knitters wants to make sure it gets into the hands of your loved ones.

Snip and Stitch

The Art of Kofto Embroidery

Make Belgian Needle-Lace Hearts for Someone you Love

Belgium was known to have the greatest lacemaking centers in all of Northern Europe.