Many revere Molière as a comedic genius, but he should also be recognized for his use of needlework references to comment on the narrow scope of women’s lives in his time.
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Looking for a project to knit for a six- to seven-year-old child? Check out our knitted child’s vest from Weldon’s Practical Knitter!
Our managing editor describes two methods to create this quilt block.
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Looking for a project to knit for a six- to seven-year-old child? Check out our knitted child’s vest from Weldon’s Practical Knitter!
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Learn this Japanese technique for making cords.
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These gloves were inspired by a pair with similar patterning in the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, Iowa.
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Jacqueline based her shawl on the one her grandfather knitted during World War I.
We offer up a poem, “The Needle,” to delight and amuse you. Share it with your stitching group, guild, or on social media.
Former PieceWork editor Veronica Patterson shares some of her treasured bags from around the world.
In Estonian, roosimine means “to decorate with roses,” which is a really spectacular and specific word to have in a language.
Submit stories of folk wear and traditional clothing
Jane Garrett, a skilled lacemaker, spinner, weaver, and knitter, made these bobbin lace samples, which are still treasured today.
Craft a quick gift for the holiday season.