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Thoughts of Spring Mitts

Keep your hands warm as the seasons turn from winter to spring with a crochet project.

The Sun Laces

A circular form of Spanish lace first appeared in sixteenth-century paintings, but this style of lace soon radiated out, and variations can be found far and wide.

Baby Booties from a Vintage Knitting Pattern

Nancie M. Wiseman shares her adaptation of a pair of knitted booties from a booklet that once belonged to Flora Campbell Chandler (1884–1965).

Creating Style for Utility: Aprons Embellished with Trims

With the simplest of tools and materials, a homemaker could turn a utilitarian accessory into something fanciful.

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The Loose Ends Project

Warming hearts one stitch at a time

All Access Exclusive

Pansy: A Victorian Design on a Hair Clip

A pretty pansy (also known as heartsease) graces a lovely barrette to cross-stitch and embroider.

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Knit a Child’s Vest

Looking for a project to knit for a six- to seven-year-old child? Check out our knitted child’s vest from Weldon’s Practical Knitter!

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Learn this Japanese technique for making cords.

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A History of Hungarian Csetnek Lace

Learn the story of this delicate crochet style.

Stitching, Knitting, and Jane Austen?

Six wonderful connections between Austen, her novels, and needlework!

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

A look at Indian beetle-wing embroidery at the turn of the century.

Repairing Worn Patchwork Quilts

Over time, vintage and antique textiles can become worn and threadbare. Follow these simple steps to mend and repair your treasured quilt.

Patterns of Perfection

Needlework designs in the Lady’s Magazine (1770-1819) that are as appealing today as they were over 200 years ago.

Inspiration Found in a Knitted Victorian Border

From engraving to knitting, Weldon’s Practical Needlework is a wonderful source for inspiration.

All Access Exclusive

A Love Token to Stitch

Craft a sweet sachet or pincushion for your beloved.

The Charming Whimsy of Antique Pincushions

Dawn Cook Ronningen shares some of the more whimsical pincushions from her collection. They are sure to bring a smile to any stitcher.

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Two Pairs of Turkish Socks to Knit

The oddly shaped but well-fitting foot of Turkish socks is begun at the toe, with the heel worked after the rest of the sock is complete.

The Loose Ends Project

Warming hearts one stitch at a time

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