We’re offering $50,000 in free digital advertising to small businesses that have been damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Keep reading to learn how to apply.
Help us uncover the untold stories behind the makers of the past in the Spring 2021 issue of PieceWork.
Explore how Florence Yoder Wilson articles, published in Needlecraft: The Magazine of Home Arts during the 1930s, cast recent immigrants to America in a positive light.
If staying home gives you the blues, and you don’t know what to do, learn something new.
This is a sad story. It’s the story of young love, transatlantic voyages, early demise, heartbreak, a family wrenched apart, and a bit of handmade lace that survived.
To many people, togas are synonymous with ancient Greece. The only problem? Togas aren’t Greek.
Subscriber Exclusive
These instructions are based on the information in Barbara Foster’s Learn Needle Tatting, Step by Step (Paxton, Illinois: Handy Hands, 1998), which provides complete step-by-step needle-tatting instructions accompanied by plentiful photographs.
It was during the Great Famine (1845–1849) that women, through their artistic and delicate hands, created the singular craft of Clones lace.
Subscriber Exclusive
This design is entirely worked in long-arm cross-stitch, the most common stitch found in the extant traditional embroideries of Iceland.
The butterfly is a popular motif, always; and probably it has never been used to better advantage than in the decoration of the centerpiece illustrated.