
Long Thread Podcast: Penelope Hemingway, Needlework Historian

Season 2, Episode 9: In the back rooms of Yorkshire's archives and museums, textile treasures await an understanding historian.

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An Indigo Stitch-Resist Scarf to Make

Give dyeing with indigo a try! This striking scarf features resist patterns made by folding, stitching, and pleating.

Creating Style for Utility: Aprons Embellished with Trims

With the simplest of tools and materials, a housewife could turn a utilitarian accessory into something fanciful.

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Reins for Children

Delight in the vintage charm of Weldon's Practical Needlework and this re-creation from Franklin Habit.

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To Darn or Not to Darn

The question is, does one darn or patch? Each mending job calls for a different technique. The size and location of the damage determines which one should choose.

The Case of a Sodha Rajput Masala Bag

An embroidered bag from Chitra’s collection raises questions about its origins.

Soulful Samplers: Remembering My Mother’s Needlework

A mother’s stitched samplers provided comfort and inspiration during the pandemic.

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Grace Coolidge’s Great-Grandmother’s Counterpane

Knit a counterpane from the January/February 2011 issue based on the one made by First Lady Grace Coolidge.

The Anatomy of a Collection: Lessons by Correspondence

The Anatomy of a Collection—a series of three short articles that will appear in PieceWork—brings to light items discovered in Jill's mother’s “stash of goodies,” as she called it.

Swedish-Influenced Raggsocks: Luxurious Knitted Socks for Everyday

Indulge and wear knitted socks around the house. Nothing feels cozier!