
Expectation of Snow: An Orenburg Shawl for My Grandma

Hear Olga's story about creating this special shawl and download the full pattern.

PieceWork Spring 2022: Broken Threads

Our Lost and Found issue seeks to find connection in fragments of ancient textiles that remain to this day.

Magdalena de Cao Viejo Stockings

Many textiles don’t survive the ravages of time, but artifacts found in Magdalena de Cao Viejo, Peru, piece together a story told in ancient stitches.

PieceWork Abbreviations

Looking for the meanings behind those abbreviations? You’ve come to the right place!

Celebrating Needlework Traditions to be Handed Down

Stories of techniques and treasures preserved for future generations.

Treva’s Boots Inspired by Trouble with Trolls by Jan Brett

Read about the precious baby boots inspired by a beloved children's story.

What I Want to Learn in the New Year

Wondering what we're up to in our free time? See what the PieceWork staff wants to learn in the new year!

Weird Domestics: What You Don't Know About Victorian England

How Victorian England has influenced the modern world

Piecework's Top 10 Articles of the Year

Out of all the articles we put up on the website in 2021, these were your ten favorites.

A New Chapter for a Historic Costume Collection

Learn about the University of Connecticut Historic Costume Collection and the efforts underway to organize, refine, and curate the collection.