Over time, vintage and antique textiles can become worn and threadbare. Follow these simple steps to mend and repair your treasured quilt.
Needlework designs in the Lady’s Magazine (1770-1819) that are as appealing today as they were over 200 years ago.
From engraving to knitting, Weldon’s Practical Needlework is a wonderful source for inspiration.
Dawn Cook Ronningen shares some of the more whimsical pincushions from her collection. They are sure to bring a smile to any stitcher.
Subscriber Exclusive
The oddly shaped but well-fitting foot of Turkish socks is begun at the toe, with the heel worked after the rest of the sock is complete.
See how volunteers in New York are tackling waste from the fashion industry.
All Access Exclusive
A pretty pansy (also known as heartsease) graces a lovely barrette to cross-stitch and embroider.