
All Access Exclusive

Folded Star Holiday Ornament

A festive project for the holiday season

Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House

It’s amazing how the change in scale of a dolls’ house leads to a vastly different perspective when looking at everyday objects.

While Away Your Weekend with Wool

Curl up with 14 enticing wool projects to knit and stitch.

Martha’s Lace Mystery

My family on my father’s side came to America in the 1600s. Through the centuries, they produced samplers, lace edgings, quilts, and shawls.

Applied Braidwork

A versatile Victorian technique

Women of Pindos Soldiers’ Socks

Mimi Seyferth designed her functional soldiers’ socks after ones from a Greek flyer and added an elegant meander design.

All Access Exclusive


Learn this Japanese technique for making cords.

The History of the Louise All-In-One Sewing Aid

A look at female inventors who’ve created tools to assist them with their tasks.