Subscriber Exclusives

Articles for subscribers of PieceWork. Subscribe today to access every article.

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Thoughts of Spring Mitts

Keep your hands warm as the seasons turn from winter to spring with a crochet project.

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A History of Hungarian Csetnek Lace

Learn the story of this delicate crochet style.

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A Love Token to Stitch

Craft a sweet sachet or pincushion for your beloved.

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Two Pairs of Turkish Socks to Knit

The oddly shaped but well-fitting foot of Turkish socks is begun at the toe, with the heel worked after the rest of the sock is complete.

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Pansy: A Victorian Design on a Hair Clip

A pretty pansy (also known as heartsease) graces a lovely barrette to cross-stitch and embroider.

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Knit a Child’s Vest

Looking for a project to knit for a six- to seven-year-old child? Check out our knitted child’s vest from Weldon’s Practical Knitter!

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Folded Star Holiday Ornament

A festive project for the holiday season

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Learn this Japanese technique for making cords.

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Two-Color Norwegian Gloves

These gloves were inspired by a pair with similar patterning in the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, Iowa.

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Pretty Posy Pendant

A Sweet Embroidered Necklace to Make and Wear