Learn how versatile the running stitch can be, a stitch that dates back to the beginning of sewing itself.
The three-sided stitch is a triangular, flat-line stitch, which can also be tightly pulled to create a lacy appearance. It is also known as the Turkish, Bermuda faggoting, lace, and point Turc stitch.
The scroll stitch, also known as the single-knotted-line or scroll-knot stitch, produces a lovely textured line, which flows evenly around curves.
The velvet stitch, consisting of a cross-stitch and a loop, is a counted-thread stitch most often used in canvas work.
The Sorbello or Sorbello knot stitch is a textured Italian embroidery stitch, originating in the small village of Sorbello, near Naples.
The knitting stitch, a double row of straight stitches slanting in opposite directions, forms a solidly stitched, braidlike pattern on a canvas or fabric surface, and resembles true knitting.