
Victorian Needlework: For Pleasure or Profit?

Victorian needlework books remain a fragile connection to the past, reminding us that we are not so different from the stitchers who came before us.

A Tale of Two Thimbles: The Archaeology of Women and Their Sewing Tools

A look into the history of found objects and the stories they could tell

On the Mend: Victorian Rehabilitation with Crochet Granny Squares

Jabez learned to crochet granny squares as a part of his rehabilitation after he lost parts of several fingers to shrapnel in the Second Boer War (1899–1902).

Getting Dressed with Ann Lowe: The Art of Mounting Historic Garments

How are the fabulous museum displays of historic dresses created?

The Smithsonian Institution is Created

Thank you, James Smithson for making the Smithsonian become a reality.

Subscriber Exclusive

Weldon’s Macramé Lace

Remember Macramé from the seventies? Apparently, the Victorians loved the technique too!

Special Knits for Special Occasions

Nancy Bush designed a special knit for a very special occasion—wedding gloves.

Discovering Fifteenth-Century Undergarments

Very little was known about fifteenth-century undergarments before this discovery as no other textile examples exist.

This Week in History: Shakers Arrive in New York

Seeking freedom of religion, Ann Lee, left England to establish the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing in the United States, a religious group founded in the eighteenth century.

Another Noble Cause

Suffragist Knitters of World War I