Subscriber Exclusives

Articles for subscribers of PieceWork. Subscribe today to access every article.

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A Poppy of Remembrance

Work a scarlet poppy in needlepoint for an everlasting tribute.

Subscriber Exclusive

A Suffrage-Fair Washcloth

Try out your Tunisian crochet skills with this subscriber exclusive!

All Access Exclusive

A Mini Pumpkin Hat to Knit

Celebrate autumn with a cute pumpkin ornament!

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Tat a Reading Placeholder

Elevate your tatting skills with this medallion ornament.

All Access Exclusive

Crochet a Hanging Garden of Violets

Enjoy taking a journey back to 1916 with this lovely crochet ornament project.

Subscriber Exclusive

Weldon’s Macramé Lace

Remember Macramé from the seventies? Apparently, the Victorians loved the technique too!

All Access Exclusive

A Jaunty Tassel

Remember the knotted friendship bracelets of summer camp? This grown-up version uses lengths of special yarn for a charming ornament. Embrace a creative, whimsical approach and customize freely!

All Access Exclusive

A Rosy Summer Ornament in Biedermaier Embroidery

Delicate roses surrounded by greenery flourish in this charming embroidery that will harken summer all year long.

Subscriber Exclusive

Shetland Lace Knitting in New Zealand

How a knitting tradition rooted in a cluster of tiny islands in the North Sea came to be transplanted to an island country in the southern Pacific Ocean.

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Grama’s Rose Garden

Looking for a flower that will never wilt? Try your hand at this knitted rose.