
Sampler Research: Falling Down Rabbit Holes in My Pajamas

Gary Parks offers helpful suggestions for expanding your research on needlework samplers.

Handstitched History

Sixteenth-Century Tailoring and the Modern Maker

The Anatomy of a Collection, Part 2: Pattern Pieces

Jill lovingly acts as caregiver for old paper sewing patterns.

All Access Exclusive

Ulu: Pattern for a Hawaiian Quilted Pillow

A quilted pillow is based on Eileen's grandmother’s old-style method of making Hawaiian quilts.

Developing a Character, Developing a Costume

What do you wear for historical reenactment?

Long Thread Podcast: Mathew Gnagy

Season 3, Episode 1: As the Modern Maker, Mathew Gnagy brings the needlework techniques of Early Modern Europe to a contemporary audience.

The Story in a Dress

What clues can we find in the handmade stitches of an 1850s dress?

Ticking: From Humble Origins to High Society

How did ticking go from utilitarian fabric to desirable design element? Christina has the scoop.

Embellish—Call for Submissions PieceWork Summer 2022

Join us as we celebrate the historic needlework created to adorn and enliven daily life. Send PieceWork your article and project proposals for the Summer 2022 issue.