Piecework Editorial Staff

Piecework Editorial Staff


Migration—Call for Submissions PieceWork Fall 2022

Our Fall issue will trace the history of needlework and makers on the move. Join us as we explore trade routes, multi-generational traditions, and the evolution of techniques. Send PieceWork your article and project proposals for the Fall 2022 issue.

A Family Tree of Tatting

Master tatter Georgia Seitz shares the beginning of her tatting journey.

Hawaiian Quilts

PieceWork’s July/August 1994 issue featured an article and project by Debra L. Ballard on the history of Hawaiian quilts.

Crewel Embroidery and The American Revolution

Thomas Abbe's (1731–1811) long drum roll interrupted the mid-week church meeting to announce the fight at Lexington, Massachusetts, the day before, the first battle of the American Revolution.

The Long Thread: Dawn Cook Ronningen

Dawn Cook Ronningen, Historian, Needleworker, and Needlework Tool Collector

Embellish—Call for Submissions PieceWork Summer 2022

Join us as we celebrate the historic needlework created to adorn and enliven daily life. Send PieceWork your article and project proposals for the Summer 2022 issue.

The Long Thread: Susan J. Jerome

Susan J. Jerome, Collections Manager, University of Rhode Island Historic Textile and Costume Collection

Lost and Found—Call for Submissions PieceWork Spring 2022

Help us rediscover the textile stories lost to time. Send PieceWork your article and project proposals for the Spring 2022 issue.

A Forget-Me-Not Edging to Knit

Knit a sweet lace edging adapted from a vintage pattern.

Embroider a Rose-Petal Heart

Stitch a special gift for your Valentine.

From the Library

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