Victorian Undergarments: The Underside of Weldon’s

From a child’s petticoat to drawers for ladies and gentleman, we discovered the perfect sampling of knitted and crocheted Victorian undergarments.

Piecework Editorial Staff Oct 4, 2017 - 4 min read

Victorian Undergarments: The Underside of Weldon’s Primary Image

A glimpse into the underside of Weldon’s Practical Needlework, one of England’s beloved resources for Victorian needlework patterns, did not disappoint! From a child’s petticoat to drawers for ladies and gentleman, we discovered the perfect sampling of knitted and crocheted Victorianundergarments. Engravings and details, directly from various volumes, for a few of our favorites are below.

1888 • Volume 3 Chest Protector

Victorian undergarments

1889 • Volume 4 Gentleman’s Drawers

Victorian Undergarments

The drawers shown in our illustration are of medium size, nicely shaped to figure, and being knitted with petticoat wool are very thick and warm, and most comfortable for gentlemen to wear as an extra garment in winter.

1889 • Volume 4 Lady’s Combination Garment

Victorian Undergarments

This is a comfortably-fitting, small-sized combination garment for a lady, and also suitable for tall, well-grown girls of sixteen or seventeen years of age. Our model is knitted with pink Heather wool, which washes splendidly and does not shrink, there are two qualities and the best should be procured; or white unshrinkable vest wool may be employed.

1891 • Volume 6 Lady’s Shetland Undervest

Victorian Undergarments

Ladies who like a low-necked open vest with no sleeves will be pleased with the garment represented in our engraving. It is knitted in two pieces, front and back, and being ribbed fits perfectly to the figure; it is trimmed round the neck and armholes with a handsome crochet border.

1893 • Volume 8 Gentleman’s Undervest

Victorian Undergarments

This will be found a most comfortable and serviceable undervest for a gentleman; it is full sized, and is knitted in rows, upon two needles, in a pretty kind of perpendicular moss stitch.

1893 • Volume 8 Lady’s Leggings or Riding Pants

Victorian Undergarments

These leggings can be used as riding pants, and also may be worn over the ordinary calico drawers whenever additional warmth is required; they are easily put on and taken off, and are held in position by a narrow belt of knitting that passes round the waist.

1893 • Volume 8 Doll’s Drawers

Victorian Undergarments

These drawers are for a doll 14 inches or 16 inches high, and are knitted with white Andalusian wool, of which 1 oz. must be procured.

1893 • Volume 8 Little Petticoat with Bodice

Victorian Undergarments

A pretty petticoat for a child from one to two years of age, measuring 17 inches from the shoulder to the bottom of the petticoat.

1895 • Volume 10 Lady’s Undervest with Moderately High Neck and Long Sleeves

Victorian Undergarments

The pretty undervest shown in our engraving is so elastic as to be capable of fitting almost any figure, and, moreover, plenty of space is afforded on the chest by means of bosom darts.

Learn more about the fascinating history of undergarments in the November/December 2014 issue of PieceWork. Want to make your own Victorian-style undergarments? Just grab some yarn, a pair of knitting needles or a crochet hook, and Weldon’s Practical Needlework to get started.