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To Darn or Not to Darn

The question is, does one darn or patch? Each mending job calls for a different technique. The size and location of the damage determines which one should choose.

Kax Wilson May 7, 2021 - 4 min read

To Darn or Not to Darn Primary Image

The invisible technique of linen darning is worked on the wrong side of the fabric by laying in a warp and weaving a plain-weave weft across. Photo by George Boe

Darning is best for small holes and creates a less visible repair than patching. Books on needlework and mending define darning as the repair of a textile by interlacing (or interlooping) threads across a hole or tear. The color of the darn should match the garment as closely as possible, using threads taken from a seam allowance or other accessible place inside the garment, closely matched darning cotton, or embroidery floss.

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