Sheep have been on the move since ancient times. Whether they were travelling regular migration routes with nomadic peoples in search of seasonal pasture or traversing oceans in the holds of ships, sheep have long been one of our most constant companions. They help us meet our basic human needs—food, shelter, clothing, and creative expression.
Wool sock, 12-13th century Egypt.
As needleworkers, “wool” might first bring to mind meticulous crewel embroidery or fishermen’s ganseys, but the history of woolen textiles is also rife with stories of intrigue and tragedy, self-sufficiency and revolution. There are stories of smuggled Merinos and black-market knitted lace, forbidden colors and forbidden patterns.
PieceWork Winter 2022: Wool
This issue of PieceWork will celebrate wool around the world! We’d love to hear stories of colcha embroidery in the American Southwest, Viking-era grave goods in Scandinavia, the origins of Shetland knitted lace, Jacobean embroidery in polychrome threads, African applique, and beyond. From Wari headdresses to Cowichan sweaters to British samplers, we want to hear your ideas!
Join us as we celebrate wool in all of its forms!
Wool and linen embroidered band circa 5-6th century from Egypt.
Submissions due: January 10, 2022
We are looking for:
- Feature articles—Tell us more about the history of needlework—stories, profiles, and biographies.
- Historical and historically inspired projects—instructions using bobbin lace, tatting, embroidery, knitting, crochet, or other needlework techniques, all made by hand.
- How-to articles—tell us how a historical needlework technique is done.
Have an idea that doesn’t fit our theme? Send that to us, too! We may be able to use it in an upcoming issue.
We are also always looking for content for our website. If you have an idea for a shorter piece, about 300 to 500 words, please submit your proposal to us.
Online Submissions Form PieceWork Winter 2022
PieceWork Contributor's Guidelines
PieceWork Photo Guidelines
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].
18th Century Woman's Pocket, cotton with wool embroidery.
Submissions due: January 10, 2022.
We will notify you of our decision in February 2022.
Articles and projects due: April 11, 2022.
Do you want to be added to the PieceWork Call for Submissions email list? Sign up here.