Corrections 1999

Corrections 1999

Piecework Editorial Staff Nov 28, 2016 - 2 min read

Corrections 1999 Primary Image

PieceWork January/February 1999

Fancy Red Silk Mittens to Knit
Pg. 42
Pattern should start with 13 (15) cast-on stitches, rather than 13 (17).

In Row 3, the k1, m1; rep from * is worked 11 (13) times.
In Row 5, the *yo, k2tog
; rep from * is worked 11 (13) times.
For Rnds 1-6, the *p2, k2; rep from * is worked to the last 3 sts of rnd, instead of working to end of rnd. Work lace patt 3 times on needle #1 while continuing ribbing on needles #2 and #3 (30 rnds).

Rnd 3 of lace patt should read: *Ssk, k3, yo, k3, yo, k3, k2tog; rep from *.

Under “Thumb,” pattern should read: Place 21 (23) held sts on a size 1 (2.25-mm) dpn. Join yarn. [remainder of Thumb section is correct]

Under “Shape tip,” Rnd 1 should read: *K5, k2tog; rep from *, end k0 (2)—18 (20) sts.
Rnd 3 should read: *K4, k2tog; rep from *, end k0 (2)—15 (17) sts.
Rnd 5 should read: *K3, k2tog; rep from *, end k0 (2)—12 (14) sts.
Rnd 7 should read: *K2tog; rep from *—6 (7) sts. Draw yarn through rem 6 (7) sts and fasten off.