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When you imagine goldwork embroidery, do you picture something flashy, glinting, and formal? You might be surprised to discover that goldwork or metalwork embroidery can be subtle and colorful. As Natalie Dupuis practices it, goldwork embroidery is as much about covering the gold or silver thread with silk couching stitches as placing the precious metal front and center.
With centuries-old traditions across Europe and Asia, goldwork embroidery thrived in guilds and workshops, where it turned heads in ecclesiastical and royal commissions. Using traditional materials, Natalie designs modern needlework for contemporary fiber artists—and teaches embroidery artists around the globe.
Gold or metallic passing threads peek out from between colorful couching stitches. Photos by Natalie Dupuis
A set of ribbons Natalie designed in or nué to honor her aunt.
This hot air balloon incorporates several types of metalwork thread and techniques.
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You’ll find the largest variety of silk spinning fibers, silk yarn and silk threads & ribbons at Choose from a rainbow of hand-dyed colors. Love natural? Their array of wild silk and silk-blends provide choices beyond white.
Treenway Silks—where superior quality and customer service are guaranteed.
Natalie's website and Instagram
"Goldwork Couching Part 1: Or Nué Then and Now" appeared in PieceWork Spring 2022. Articles on Italian shading and diaper patterns will appear in Summer and Fall 2022.
Royal School of Needlework Stitch Bank Goldwork Category