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Elegant Vintage Fingerless Gloves to Tat eBook

Project Type Gloves, Accessories
Categories Tatting
Author Stephanie Wilson
Format eBook

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Make your evening out magical with these elegant tatted fingerless gloves!

Galina Khmeleva, frequent PieceWork contributor and master Orenburg lace knitter, discovered the vintage tatted gloves in an antiques store on one of her frequent teaching trips. She purchased them and shared them with us so that we would be able to have them re-created for this eBook. Now you can enjoy tatting these gloves for yourself with Stephanie Wilson's recreation of the pattern!

With the Elegant Vintage Fingerless Gloves to Tat eBook, you can step back in time as you tat these elegant fingerless gloves. They will provide a special touch for any special occasion and would be lovely tatted in white for a bride.

Download the Elegant Vintage Fingerless Gloves to Tat eBook today!

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