PieceWork Winter 2019
Two misspellings have been brought to the attention of the PieceWork staff. We apologize for the errors and offer these corrections: Heather Vaughan Lee, page 2. “Haapsalu Lace Pelerine to Knit,” page 22.
“Trimmings: Mary Elizabeth Greenwall Edie’s Knitted-Lace Samples” by Frances H. Rautenbach, page 7.
Lace No. 8
The pattern is a 14-row repeat, and not a seven-row repeat as stated. Also, Rows 3 and 10 should read as follows:
Row 3: *K2, yo, k4, k2tog; rep from * to end.
Row 10: *P2tog, p4, yo, p2; rep from * to end.
Knitted Bedspread
Row 1 should read as follows:
Row 1 (RS): [P2tog] 4 times, *[yo, k1] 7 times, yo, [p2tog] 8 times; rep from * to last 15 sts, [yo, k1] 7 times, yo, [p2tog] 4 times.
PieceWork Spring 2019
Ruhnu Mitts to Knit, page 49, bottom of the second column, Left Hand section: Directions for Set-Up Rnd should begin as follows: Set-Up Rnd: On Needle 1, k17; on Needle 2, k2, work Rnd 1 of Left Thumb Chart over 13 sts, k2; on Needles 3 and 4. . . .”