One of the most fascinating structural elements of the Turkish socks featured in Lynne Hershberger’s article is the heel construction.
A Victorian Knitted Stocking Challenge: this design is based on an interpretation of original instructions for “A Knitted Stocking” in an 1845 book.
Over the years, we have had a variety of PieceWork contests for our readers to showcase their stellar needlework skills. The inaugural contest featuring pincushions was among the most popular—a testament to the importance of this needlework necessity.
PieceWork’s electronic pattern book Weldon’s Practical Bead-Work, First Series, opens a window on another time and another place. The time is the turn of the twentieth century and the place is London, England.
The November 1924 issue of Needlecraft magazine featured “Bags for Many Uses, Desirable and Different” by Addie M. Bodwell.
Author and designer Karen C. K. Ballard recalls one time when she too struggled with a pattern’s instructions.
Barbara Morrison says, Cross-knit looping is an adaptable and easily learned technique; it’s also easy to transport and a good way to use short bits and pieces of yarn or thread.