Jenna Fear

From Scary to Snuggly: The History of the Teddy Bear

The soft, round faces and plush little bellies bring joy to even the hardest heart. It is crazy to imagine that the story of the Teddy bear actually begins at a horrific, bloody scene on the hunting grounds of Mississippi in the year 1902.

Discovering Fifteenth-Century Undergarments

Very little was known about fifteenth-century undergarments before this discovery as no other textile examples exist.

The House of Worth: The Birth of Haute Couture

This gloriously illustrated coffee-table book by Chantal Trubert-Tollu, Françoise Tétart-Vittu, Jean-Marie Martin-Hattemberg, and Fabrice Olivieri tells the story of the House of Worth.

Meet Susan Strawn at the Crossroads of Knitting and History

Knits of Yore takes viewers to the crossroads of knitting and history as Susan Strawn showcases stunning knitted objects from the past 200 years.

Life Lessons in Needlework

This article offers beautiful perspective on life and perseverance and how needlework history provides so many lesssons that can inspire us today.

Mittens of Latvia

In Latvia, mittens have served a much greater purpose than simply keeping the hands warm. In Mittens of Latvia, Maruta Grasmane explores such mittens as a record of the past. Their symbolism is widely evident in Latvian folklore.

The Knitting War Spies of History

In the United States and abroad, wartime has long involved knitters.

Exploring Antique Needles with Loene McIntyre

It might be difficult to imagine how one tiny, seemingly humble object could have such a significant impact on human history, but there is no questioning the importance of the needle.

Weldon’s Mystery Project: Double-Knitted Heels

Do you need some extra-sturdy socks for the winter months? Double knit those heels and toes the Weldon’s way to keep your feet safe and warm.

PieceWork 2016 Digital Collection

PieceWork had a big year in 2016. Issues including the 10th annual Historical Knitting Issue and 9th annual Lace Issue hold within them many great stories, and you can now experience them all at once with the PieceWork 2016 Collection Download.